

Helping Children Know the Love of God

The Bridgeway Children’s ministry exists to help children KNOW about God’s love, GROW in their love for Him, and SHOW that love to others. We strive to create environments and events for our BridgeBabies and BridgeKids so they can become discipled and be put on mission for the Kingdom!

BridgeBabies | Newborn - K5

BridgeKids | 1st - 5th Grade


Our BridgeBabies are a vital ministry of Bridgeway. Why? Because this is the first taste of church that a child gets. While kids can learn valuable lessons at these ages, one of the most important things is to trust and feel loved by the people they are with consistently. Consistency is huge at this stage of their lives. From ages 2 and up, we have material we use to help kids develop core spiritual traits. We have dedicated and committed staff and volunteers who provide the consistency and love to our BridgeBabies.

Safety is a Priority

Your child’s safety is our top priority! Children and parents checking their BridgeBabies in will receive matching printed nametags and pick-up tags. At the end of services, each parent must provide the pick-up tag to pick the child. Our team will ensure the codes match on both the child’s nametag and parent’s pick-up tag for a safe pick up!


The odds are high that kids will accept Christ during their time in elementary school. What is done with the kids at this stage is life changing! We have worked hard to create an atmosphere where the kids look forward to being in church every week. Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings are set up for kids to learn the same bible story every week and we intentionally create an atmosphere where the kids learn how to apply that to their lives. Whether it is times of worship, working on an activity or playing a game, our BridgeKids will learn to know about God’s love, grow in their love for Him and show that same love to others!

Learn More About Us

Do you have any questions about the children’s ministry at Bridgeway? We’d love to get you in touch with Pastor Grant Arinder!