
Want to Grow Deeper in Your Faith This Spring?

Join us for Friday Fasts at Bridgeway! We are inviting you to join us in a weekly time of fasting and prayer every Friday until Easter. Each week you’ll receive a devotion written by our staff along with suggested readings and guided prayers to help you make the most of the fasting experience. All devotions will be posted on this web page for easy access as well.
Below are some FAQ’s to help you learn more:

When Do I Start My Fast Each Week?

Thursday night after dinner.

When Do I End My Fast Each Week?

Friday night at dinner, in fact, we want to challenge you to “break” your fast with others! 

Can I Have Anything to Eat or Drink While I Fast?

Yes, you can have all the liquids you want, especially water, coffee, and juice. 

What Do You Mean “Break” My Fast with Others?

Get together with members of your Life Group, D-Group, serve team, or MDWK study and eat dinner together on Friday. 
Share what your learning and praying about. 

Will I Feel Anything “Different” While I Fast?

Maybe. Fasting is not a magic button for experiencing revival or hearing God’s voice or seeing your prayers answered. However, it is a way for us to devote ourselves to hearing from God and to seeking His presence so don’t be surprised if that happens!

What if I Fail or Can’t Make it the Whole Day?

It’s okay! The goal is for us to get closer to God as we head toward Easter. If you don’t make it the full day this Friday, give yourself some grace and know that you’ll have another chance next week. In the meantime, celebrate the time you devoted to reading, praying, and then go eat with some friends on Friday night enjoy life!